Since the beginning of 2021, the toilet obligation for (night) anglers. A bitter blow at this time. Because in the depths of winter, even the toughest among them admit to themselves that a trip into nature borders on madness. And so the desperate persevere, surrounded by bait and rods in the garage. While changing hooks they wait for spring to come. The closeness to their faithful companions gives them strength. But having to use the toilet doesn't need to be bad news again. A mobile camping toilet for anglers is the new must-have, and not just for legal reasons. It promises undreamed-of advantages for the fishing hunter.
A folding toilet for anglers as a solution to the supposed toilet problem.
For many anglers, their favourite sport is the ultimate outdoor adventure.
However, it is diminished when one(s) is no longer allowed to pursue their most natural need uninhibited. Suddenly, a portable camping toilet is mandatory for doing business.
The fishing hunters all face the same problems:
Where else to stow the mobile camping toilet? After all, the fishing equipment is reduced to the bare essentials.
How often should the freedom-seeker still march from the car to the camp? He really only wants to pursue his favourite activity...
With the folding toilet for anglers, we have the ideal solution for the supposed toilet problem: Our foldable and portable HappyLoo only requires a space of 43x40x10cm (WTH) when folded and is with its approximately 1.7 kilos a real flyweight - suitable for any fishing transport whether by bike or by car.
The Kildwick HappyLoo – angler´s best toilet choice
Weight and size:
Our HappyLoo corresponds to the requirements of the angler for a mobile camping toilet in size and weight. But the folding toilet for anglers has even more advantages. Through that it climbs from "nice-to-have" to "absolute must-have" in the ranking of fishing gadgets:
Resilient and foldable:
Ecologic and sustainable:
Where must anglers carry a mobile camping toilet?
Since the beginning of 2021 night anglers in Middle Franconia, Germany must be able to show a folding toilet to the government officials when necessary.
The Fischereiverband Mittelfranken e.V. has announced the obligation to carry a mobile camping toilet for the following waters and places:
RMD Canal in Middle Franconia
Happurger reservoir and quarry pond
Rothsee, Altmühlsee, Igelsbachsee, Großer and Kleiner Brombachsee
If the angler cannot show a toilet during a control, a warning and an entry in the permit are to be expected first. In case of insults or similar towards the fishery supervisor, harsher penalties such as expulsions, fishing bans and fines will take effect. Night anglers at all other waters of Germany do not have to carry a mobile camping toilet. We would like to point out another circumstance within the following lines. It is worth to read on!
Why a mobile camping toilet is a must-have for anglers
The obligation to carry a mobile toilet for anglers arose from an overuse of the Middle Franconian lakes in 2020.
Nature lovers such as bathers, cyclists, joggers and walkers have complained about increased pollution to the special purpose associations. The reason for this was the increased amount of faeces at the Franconian lakes. The piles were found in particular at well-known fishing spots. The special-purpose associations therefore forwarded the complaints to the Fischereiverband Mittelfranken e.V. for clarification.
The good cooperation with the special-purpose associations should be maintained. In addition, the sense and purpose of the local lakes as local recreation areas should be preserved. The association wants to restore order by making it compulsory to carry a folding toilet.
This call led - especially in various fishing forums on the Internet - to heavy discussions: No one could be directly assigned to a faecal pile. Moreover, most people do their business during the day and not at night.
Angler or not angler - that is the question
So why should only the night anglers be responsible for the pollution of the lakes. Other day visitors without mobile camping toilets may as well have defecated at the lake.
There is some truth to the argument. Nevertheless, overnight guests usually "have to" more often than day guests. Or as the fishing association itself puts it: "Anyone who stays longer on the water has to go to the toilet at some point. And that's more often the case with overnight anglers."
Doing one's little or big business - day or night - is natural. Night anglers should therefore, however, by no means abandon your hobby. Also, other nature lovers should not let this spoil their outing.
We recommend the fishermen and women therefore to overlook the accusations - whether justified or not: Put an end to the trouble. From now on, carry the HappyLoo – the folding toilet - as part of your fishing equipment!