Credit card payment problems
Credit card declined
Your credit card was declined? This is very annoying and we are sorry!
If your credit card was declined during the payment process, unfortunately we can't help you. We work together with the service provider Mollie* in the area of credit card payment processing. Mollie evaluates the acceptance of your card based on criteria unknown to us. The best thing to do is to contact your bank first and ask about the status of your credit card as well as the coverage and acceptance of your card on the Internet.
* What is Mollie? Mollie processes online payments for online stores and other organizations. That is, the company handles the payment transactions between you and us. (
Information about credit card payments / 2-factor authentication
Since 2021, a new EU directive has been in effect that is intended to make shopping with credit cards on the Internet more secure. Therefore, 2-factor authentication (3-D Secure) is now mandatory. For security reasons, in addition to entering the credit card number, there is now an authentication step in which you must prove that it is your credit card and that you really initiated this payment.
Please note that there may be differences from bank to bank (authentication e.g. by confirmation via SMS-Tan or via app). We have no influence on this and unfortunately cannot provide any further information. Please contact your bank if you encounter any problems.
We have listed the support pages of some banks here - maybe yours is among them.
- Sparkasse - Volksbank Raiffeisenbank - ING-DiBa - Postbank - Deutsche Bank - Commerzbank - DKB - comdirect - Consorsbank - Advanzia Bank S.A.
If all this does not help you, then see if it is possible for you to pay in another way.
Here you can find the options for paying with us:
If you don't know or don't see any ways to change the payment method of your order, please contact us at We will be happy to help you. We will send you a payment link, a Paypal payment request and our account number. One of these ways will work in any case!